Thursday, October 23, 2008

Change and Uncertainty

Living with uncertainty sucks.
I'm just going to throw that out there into the ever-broadening ethos.  Whether it is in your personal, familial, or work life, uncertainty sucks.  

The interesting thing is that 5 years ago, I would bet that every single one of us would have totally balked at any sign of change and uncertainty. Now, however, it is like we are in "Change is NOW boot camp", doing push-ups with a "I CAN survive my 401K" and a "It Dropped 500, but I'll SURVIVE!"  

I personally have taken many looks at my life and asked, "is this it?  Is this what I worked so hard for?  Is this all I get?"   Maybe it's not that the change is hard or surprising, but that the ACCEPTANCE of change is something we don't WANT to face.  Well.  Maybe I'll just live in my nice happy-world of avoidance and denial a bit longer.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Isn't it crazy how life seems to often get completely in the way of what we often aim to do?  I seem to be the ultimate queen lately of the "I'm going to's".  
I'm going to seriously clean.
I'm going to get my act in gear and find a new path in life.
I'm going to stop procrastinating all the time.
I'm going to....
I'm going to....
I'm going to....

Yeah. So. How often do all of those really happen?  You got it in one - not very. 
I've found myself in this constant loop of time, like Groundhog Day but not nearly as funny or educational.  It's just the same thing, day in, day out.  It is time to get out of it, but I'm still trying to figure out what the magic path is.  What is it that is going to break me free, and allow me to move on to the next day?  

Moral of the story?  Keep me in your thoughts, and I continue to loop over and over and over and over and over......

~ Mel's Movie of The Week ~

The movie this week is The Holiday, staring Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz, Jude Law and Jack Black.
This is one of those amazing romantic comedies that isn't so heavy that you can't get some fun out of it, but it also isn't so light that you have felt you wasted two hours of your life (or in my case, many many more!!).
First off - I know everyone hates Jude Law, because he's all annoying and stuff, but man, those eyes. And then, when he puts on the glasses, well, I could honestly care less about his real-life personality! One of the most touching scenes in this movie is when he is trying to explain how hard it is for him to find a life outside being a single parent, and not be totally unfair to those he meets or, most importantly, his children.
My other favorite in this movie is Jack Black. Before I saw the film I had some serious doubts. I mean, seriously, could the master of The Pick of Destiny really pull off a role like this, without it becoming a total farce?? The answer is a resounding YES. Thankfully, though, we still get some great "classic Jack" in the Blockbuster scene, with him enthusiasticaly singing theme songs from movie classics to a quite embarrassed Kate Winslet.
All in all, I could watch this movie over and over and over again, each time wishing that I had the movie guy in my head narrating my life too, so I could have some clue as to what I should do next!
Rent it now, because you won't be sorry, and enjoy!!