Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Genetic Pasta (Originally Published on 1-22-2009)

Okay - the following paragraph is from my great friend Dr. Jamie O'Rourke, PhD. She basically looks at a ton of gene information all day long, and was emailing me earlier using terms I've never heard. Being the curious person, I asked her what the pasta words were ("Bonferroni" sounds like a pasta type name!), and she sent the following explanation:

A parser is a program that goes through a file and pulls out the relevent information you've told it to get. You just have to spell out the format of the document you're intending to parse and make sure it's uniform. Bonferroni statistics is a statistical test to determine what is present more often than would be expected. I'm running the statistics on GO #'s, which are gene ontology terms - a defined set of universal terms to explain the function of gene products.

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~ Mel's Movie of The Week ~

The movie this week is The Holiday, staring Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz, Jude Law and Jack Black.
This is one of those amazing romantic comedies that isn't so heavy that you can't get some fun out of it, but it also isn't so light that you have felt you wasted two hours of your life (or in my case, many many more!!).
First off - I know everyone hates Jude Law, because he's all annoying and stuff, but man, those eyes. And then, when he puts on the glasses, well, I could honestly care less about his real-life personality! One of the most touching scenes in this movie is when he is trying to explain how hard it is for him to find a life outside being a single parent, and not be totally unfair to those he meets or, most importantly, his children.
My other favorite in this movie is Jack Black. Before I saw the film I had some serious doubts. I mean, seriously, could the master of The Pick of Destiny really pull off a role like this, without it becoming a total farce?? The answer is a resounding YES. Thankfully, though, we still get some great "classic Jack" in the Blockbuster scene, with him enthusiasticaly singing theme songs from movie classics to a quite embarrassed Kate Winslet.
All in all, I could watch this movie over and over and over again, each time wishing that I had the movie guy in my head narrating my life too, so I could have some clue as to what I should do next!
Rent it now, because you won't be sorry, and enjoy!!